Worship Archives

To watch any of the previous Worship services, please visit either our Facebook or YouTube. Be sure to tune in for our LiveStream every Sunday at 9:30am

Below is an archive of recent Worship Bulletins.

9/4/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardJesus in the Dark: Sent into the DarkMark 5:18-20 
8/28/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardJesus in the Dark: Fearing the CostMark 5:14-17 
8/21/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardJesus in the Dark: The DemoniacMark 5:1-13 
8/14/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardCalming the Storm: from Fear to FaithMark 4:35-41 
8/7/2022PDFLiveStreamTennant BrastowThe Righteous Will Never be MovedPsalm 112 
7/31/2022PDFLiveStreamTyler SpryMark 4:26-34Mark 4:26-34 
7/24/2022PDFLiveStreamTyler SpryMark 4:21-25Mark 4:21-25 
7/17/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardParable of the Soils, Part 4: The Good SoilMark 4:8-9, 20 
7/10/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardParable of the Soils, Part 3: ThornsMark 4:7, 18-19 
7/3/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardParable of the Soils, Part 2: Hard PlacesMark 4:3-9, 4-17 
6/26/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardParable of the Soils, Part 1: Teaching at a time like This?Mark 4:1-9 
6/19/2022PDFLiveStreamDaniel EllingsburgSermonPsalm 22 
6/12/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardReflections of RestPsalm 116 
6/5/2022PDFLiveStreamAndrew GoyzuetaGrace Bigger Than Our FailuresJohn 21:4-19 
5/29/2022PDFLiveStreamDaniel EllingburgJesus Who RescuesJohn 4:27-42 
5/22/2022PDFLiveStreamTyler SpryIdols of the heartGenesis 30:1-3 
5/15/2022PDFLiveStreamWeston FreelsGranted GraceJonah 3:10-4:11 
5/8/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Biggest LoserJohn 3:20-25 
5/1/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardWhat am I going to do?!2 Timothy 4:1-8 
4/24/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael Colvard“You’re Crazy!” Love, your FamilyMark 3:20-21&31-35 
4/17/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardEaster in Revelation Colors, part 3: The Last EasterRevelation 20:11-21:4 
4/15/2022PDFn/aAndy SchusterRemember MeLuke 23:32-43Good Friday
4/10/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardEaster in Revelation Colors, part 2: Easter JoyRevelation 7:9-17 
4/3/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardEaster in Revelation Colors, part 1: A Letter from GodRevelation 1:4-9 
3/27/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardCould I Commit the Unforgivable Sin?Mark 3:28-30 
3/20/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardJesus and the DevilMark 3:22-28 
3/13/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardJesus’ Motley Crew: Why Choose These men to be Apostles?Mark 3:7-20 
3/6/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardSabbath BattlegroundMark 2:23-3:6 
2/27/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardWhat’s a Fitting Response to Jesus?Mark 2:18-22 
2/20/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardWho’s Sick?Mark 2:13-17 
2/13/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardFaith that RescuesMark 2:1-12 
2/6/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardWe Don’t Talk about Jesus(?)Mark 1:40-45 
1/30/2022PDFLiveStreamTyler SpryCaleb: Faithful WaitingJoshua 14:6-15 
1/23/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardChrist “Alone”: Following Jesus in SolitudeMark 1:35-39 
1/16/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardSanctity of Life Sunday: A Culture of Death and a Culture of Life2 Corinthians 2:14-16 
1/9/2022PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Gospel from a Mother-in-LawMark 1:29-31 
1/2/2022PDFLiveStreamWeston FreelsKnowing God: Prep, Proof, & Payment2 Kings 5 
12/26/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardYour Days Are NumberedPsalm 90 
12/24/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardChristmas in Mark? He Came to Be MisunderstoodMark 1:21-28Christmas Eve
12/19/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardChristmas in Mark? Discipleship at ChristmasMark 1:16-20 
12/12/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardChristmas in Mark? Preaching ChristmasMark 1:14-15 
12/5/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardChristmas in Mark? Christmas in the WildernessMark 1:12-13 
11/28/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardChristmas in Mark? A Son is GivenMark 1:9-11 
11/21/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardChristmas in Mark?Mark 1:2-8 
11/14/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Beginning of the GospelMark 1:1 
11/7/2021PDFLiveStreamWes Parsons[Living] Missional1 Peter 2:4-10 
10/31/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Lord’s Prayer, the Heartbeat of the Gospel, Part 9: DoxologyMatthew 6:9-13 
10/24/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Lord’s Prayer, the Heartbeat of the Gospel, Part 8: TemptationMatthew 6:9-13 
10/17/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Lord’s Prayer, the Heartbeat of the Gospel, Part 7: Forgiving DebtsMatthew 6:9-13 
10/10/2021PDFLiveStreamAndrew GoyzuetaA Beautiful DiversityRevelation 7:9-17 
10/3/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Lord’s Prayer, the Heartbeat of the Gospel, Part 6: Our Daily BreadMatthew 6:9-13 
9/26/2021PDFLiveStreamTennant BrastowGrace Transforms, Grace TrainsTitus 2:11-14 
9/19/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Lord’s Prayer, the Heartbeat of the Gospel, Part 5: Your Will Be DoneMatthew 6:9-13 
9/12/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Lord’s Prayer, the Heartbeat of the Gospel, Part 4: Thy Kingdom ComeMatthew 6:9-13 
9/5/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Lord’s Prayer, the Heartbeat of the Gospel, Part 3: Hallowed be Thy NameMatthew 6:9-13 
8/29/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Lord’s Prayer, the Heartbeat of the Gospel, Part 2: Our Father in HeavenMatthew 6:9-13 
8/22/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Lord’s Prayer, the Heartbeat of the Gospel, Part 1: What is it?Matthew 6:5-13 
8/15/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardMission Accomplished? The Strange Ending of ActsActs 28:30-31 
8/8/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardA Harsh and Hardening Sermon: What’s the Good of Bad News?Acts 28:23-28 
8/1/2021PDFLiveStreamHudson BelkPsalm 133Psalm 133 
7/25/2021PDFLiveStreamWeston FreelsThe Gift of Weakness: #Struglife2 Corinthians 12:7-10 
7/18/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardWho are you? A Tale of Snakes and OpinionsActs 28:1-10 
7/11/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Perfect Storms: When God Sends You into a HurricaneActs 27:1-44 
7/4/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael Colvard“Christian, you are Out of Your Mind!” Facing a World that Thinks You’re CrazyActs 25:13-26:29 
6/27/2021PDFLiveStreamTyler SpryA Real Walk with ChristPsalm 63 
6/20/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardAn Impossibly Unfair SituationActs 25:1-12 
6/13/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardWhen the Gospel is IrrelevantActs 24:22-27 
6/6/2021PDFLiveStreamWeston FreelsA Tale of Two Trees: His Covenant, Our AtonementJeremiah 32:26-41 
5/30/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardPaul’s Unusual Defense and God’s StoryActs 24:1-21 
5/23/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardPaul’s Providential Escape: Will God Rescue Me from Hard Things?Acts 23:11-35 
5/16/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Shape of Life: Part 5, Witness1 Peter 3:13-18 
5/9/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Shape of Life: Part 4, LovePhilippians 2:1-11 
5/2/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Shape of Life: Part 3, RepentanceJames 4:6-10 
4/25/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Shape of Life: Part 2, Suffering1 Peter 4:12-16 
4/18/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Shape of Life: Part 1, Dying and RisingPhilippians 1:12
Ephesians 2:8-9
Romans 6:8
1 Peter 2:21-25
4/11/2021PDFLiveStreamHudson BelkResurrection Living1 Peter 4:1-11 
4/4/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardWhat if Jesus Didn’t Rise?1 Corinthians 15:12-19 
4/2/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardDrinking the CupMatthew 25:36-42Good Friday
3/28/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardWe Want a King! (Palm Sunday)1 Samuel 8:1-9 
3/21/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThankful in All Circumstances1 Thessalonians 5:16-18Thanksgiving Service
3/21/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardResurrection ConfusionActs 23:6-10 
3/14/2021PDFLiveStreamWeston FreelsThe Human Identity Crisis: #StruglifeMark 5:1-20 
3/7/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardLiving in the Angry World with Faith, Part 4: The Tightrope of FaithActs 22:30-23:5 
2/28/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardLiving in the Angry World with Faith, Part 3: Your RightsActs 22:23-29 
2/21/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardLiving in the Angry World with Faith, Part 2: Surviving the MobActs 21:27-22:24 
2/14/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardLiving in the Angry World with Faith, Part 1: CompromiseActs 21:17-26 
2/7/2021PDFLiveStreamWeston FreelsThe Sower, Part 3: Hearing to know HimLuke 8:16-18 
1/31/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Sower, Part 2: How to HearLuke 8:11-15 
1/24/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Sower, Part 1: The Point of the ParablesLuke 8:1-10 
1/17/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardSanctity of Life: How can People who Believe in original sin be Pro-life?James 3:7-9 
1/10/2021PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardUnity-RevisitedPhilippians 2:1-8 
1/3/2021PDFLiveStreamTyler SpryThe King has Come: A Glorious GenealogyMatthew 1:1-17 
12/27/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardDealing with ChaosPsalm 46 
12/24/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardWorst Christmas Ever, Part 5: ChaosLuke 2:8-20Christmas Eve
12/20/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardWorst Christmas Ever, Part 4: DisappointmentLuke 2:8-20 
12/13/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardWorst Christmas Ever, Part 3: PowerlessLuke 2:1-7
Matthew 2:1-16
12/6/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardWorst Christmas Ever, Part 2: ShameMatthew 1:18-25
Luke 1:26-38
11/29/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardWorst Christmas Ever, Part 1: DarknessIsaiah 8:17-9:7 
11/22/2020PDFLiveStreamTyler SpryFollowing Christ: Lord of the HarvestMatthew 9:35-38 
11/15/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardThe Mark of the Beast, Vaccines, and God’s NameRevelation 13:11-14:1 
11/8/2020PDFLiveStreamAndrew GoyzuetaJustification: The Heart of Gospel Missions2 Corinthians 5:17-21 
11/1/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardAgabus’ Prophecy: A Heartbreaking CallingActs 21:1-16 
10/25/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardSaying GoodbyeActs 20:13-38 
10/18/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardSaving Eutychus: Shock, Accidents, and HopeActs 20:1-12 
10/11/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardHow Should a Christian Walk through an Election Season?1 Corinthians 7:29-31 
10/4/2020PDFLiveStreamTyler SpryPress On as PilgrimsHebrews 11:8-16 
9/27/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardHey, Jude! Conspiracy Theories, Part 4: DoxologyJude 24-25 
9/20/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardHey, Jude! Conspiracy Theories, Part 3: Recovering and ReclaimingJude 19-23 
9/13/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardHey, Jude! Conspiracy Theories, Part 2: Bondage and FreedomJude 5-19 
9/6/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardHey, Jude! Conspiracy Theories, Part 1: Becoming a MarkJude 1-4 
8/30/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardHow to Stop the RiotingActs 19:21-41 
8/23/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardLove Life Week: Praying for JusticeLuke 18:1-8 
8/16/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardBook Burning and Cancel CultureActs 19:18-20 
8/9/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardBut Who are You? Demons, Magic, and the Power of GodActs 19:8-18 
8/2/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardApollos, Part 2: The Coming of the Holy SpiritActs 19:1-7 
7/26/2020PDFLiveStreamTyler SpryResponding to Worry and AnxietyMatthew 6:25-34 
7/19/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardApollos, Part 2: The Story of BaptismActs 18:28-19:5 
7/12/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardApollos, Part 1: The Story of BaptismActs 18:24-28 
7/5/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardA Vow and a HaircutActs 18:18-23 
6/28/2020PDFLiveStreamAndrew GoyzuetaThe One ThingPsalm 126 
6/21/2020PDFLiveStreamAndrew GoyzuetaThe One ThingPsalm 27 
6/14/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardComeback ChurchEphesians 3:20-4:6 
6/7/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardApathy and AngerActs 18:12-17 
5/31/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael Colvard“I’ve Got People” God’s Choosing MissionActs 18:9-11 
5/24/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardShake it off: Is there any time we should stop Evangelizing?Acts 18:5-8 
5/17/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardGrounding the GospelActs 18:1-4 
5/10/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardEnjoying Christ and Passing Joy AlongPsalm 63 
5/3/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardEnjoying Christ and SufferingPsalm 63 
4/26/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardEnjoying Christ and AddictionPsalm 63 
4/19/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardEnjoying Christ and Faith or What Would Judas Do?Psalm 63 
4/12/2020PDFLiveStreamMichael ColvardEaster in Athens: ResurrectionActs 17:30-34 
4/5/2020PDFMP3Michael ColvardEaster in Athens: Truth in Unlikely PlacesActs 17:27-29 
3/29/2020PDFMP3Michael ColvardEaster in Athens: To the Unknown GodActs 17:22-27 
3/22/2020PDFn/aMichael ColvardEaster in Athens: Jesus in the MarketplaceActs 17:16-21 
3/15/2020PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Bereans: Jesus Loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me soActs 17:10-15 
3/8/2020PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe World Turned Upside Down: How the Gospel Ruins EverythingActs 17:1-9 
3/1/2020PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Gospel: It’s Not Just For YouActs 16:14-15; 27-34 
2/23/2020PDFMP3Michael ColvardLaying Down/Picking Up Your Rights for the GospelActs 16:25-40 
2/16/2020PDFMP3Michael ColvardWar Songs – Worship in the TrenchesActs 16:19-25 
2/9/2020PDFMP3Michael ColvardDark Forces and ChristActs 16:16-19 
2/2/2020PDFMP3Michael ColvardGreat ExpectationsActs 16:11-15 
1/26/2020PDFMP3Michael ColvardA Strange Calling or How the Holy Spirit Guides us TodayActs 16:6-10 
1/19/2020PDFMP3Michael ColvardWhat Does Y’all Mean? Part 3: Y’all Endure TogetherHebrews 10:32-36 
1/12/2020PDFMP3Michael ColvardWhat Does Y’all Mean? Part 2: Y’all Meet TogetherHebrews 10:23-25 
1/5/2020PDFMP3Michael ColvardWhat Does Y’all Mean? Part 1: Y’all are Saved TogetherHebrews 10:19-23 
12/29/2019PDFMP3Tyler SpryWake Up and WalkRomans 13:11-14 
12/24/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Dark Side of Christmas, Part 5: Cute Baby JesusLuke 2:1-14Christmas Eve
12/22/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Dark Side of Christmas, Part 4: Family and FriendsEphesians 2:11-14 
12/15/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Dark Side of Christmas, Part 3: Full StockingsGalatians 4:1-3 
12/8/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Dark Side of Christmas, Part 2: The Spirit of Christmas1 John 4:1-3 
12/1/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Dark Side of Christmas, Part 1: The Danger of ChristmasJeremiah 17:5-10 
11/24/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardTimothy, Part 3: Invitation and DiscipleshipActs 16:3-5
Galatians 2:1-5
11/17/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardTimothy, Part 2: Circumcision and MissionActs 16:3-5
Galatians 2:1-5
11/10/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardTimothy, Part 1: The Short StickActs 16:1-5 
11/3/2019PDFMP3Jeff WhiteDevotion2 Samuel 23:8-18Missions Conference
10/27/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardTiny Book Series: Nahum, What are you Waiting For?Nahum 1:13-15 
10/20/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardTiny Book Series: Nahum, Laughter and WarfareNahum 2:11-3:7 
10/13/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardTiny Book Series: Nahum and God’s CharacterNahum 1:1-11 
10/6/2019PDFMP3Bill HeardHaving Become a Curse for UsGalatians 3:10-1425th Anniversary
9/29/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardInvitation (Part 3): Reaching OutMatthew 9:9-13 
9/22/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardInvitation (Part 2): Inside the ChurchPhilippians 2:1-11 
9/15/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardGod’s (Relentless) InvitationJohn 3:16-18; 6:40-44 
9/8/2019PDFMP3Aaron GrayFilled by the Breath of LifeJohn 6:22-40; 52-59 
9/1/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardLiving in a MessActs 15:25-41 
8/25/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardA Heart Change for LifeGenesis 3:1-7 
8/18/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardJerusalem Council (Part 2): How Free is ‘Free’?Acts 15:23-36 
8/11/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardJerusalem Council (Part 1): What the Church is For?Acts 15:1-22 
8/4/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardWhat’s the use of suffering?Acts 14:19-28 
7/28/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardPaul’s Second Sermon: Nature’s (Gospel) CallActs 14:8-18 
7/21/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardTo Flee or Not to Flee?Acts 14:1-7 
7/14/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardAppointed to Eternal LifeActs 13:48 
7/7/2019PDFMP3Tyler SpryHope for the Fearful and Far AwayJeremiah 46:25-28 
6/30/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardReaction to Paul’s Sermon: Hey, Jealously!Acts 13:42-52 
6/23/2019PDFMP3Aaron GreyThe Good Life as a NobodyJohn 3:25-30 
6/16/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardPaul’s First Sermon: Boring and Confusing?Acts 13:13-41 
6/9/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Nature of BattleActs 13:4-12 
6/2/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardWorship: One Small StepActs 13:1-3 
5/26/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardGod’s Rescue, Part 2: EnemiesActs 12:20-25 
5/19/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardGod’s Rescue, Part 1: Surprising PrayerActs 12:1-19 
5/12/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardA Picture of GenerosityActs 11:27-30 
5/5/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardA Christian by Any Other NameActs 11:26 
4/28/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardCompetition and CooperationActs 11:19-26 
4/21/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardNot the Jesus I wanted, Part 3: An Undead JesusMatthew 27:62-66, 28:1-15 
4/18/2019n/aMP3Michael ColvardNot the Jesus I wanted, Part 2: The Unselfish JesusMark 10:35-45 
4/14/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardNot the Jesus I wanted, Part 1: An Uncontrollable JesusJohn 6:22-71 
4/7/2019PDFMP3Jeff WhiteThe Leper’s Saving FaithLuke 17:5-9 
3/31/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardLearning to Repent, Part 3: Endeavor New ObedienceEph 2:9-10 and Gal 5:22-25 
3/24/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardLearning to Repent, Part 2: Turning to Jesus1 John 1:9 And Eph 4:2-9 
3/17/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardLearning to Repent, Part 1: Hating our sinColossians 3:3-10 
3/10/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Gift of RepentanceActs 11:18 
3/3/2019PDFMP3Tyler SpryRise AgainProverbs 24:16 
2/24/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardIs God Worthy of Worship?Job 1:6-122 and 42:1-6 
2/17/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardAn Unlikely Pair: Gentile Christians and Jewish Christians (Part 3)Acts 10:47-11:18 
2/10/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardAn Unlikely Pair: Peter and Cornelius (Part 2)Acts 10:34-48 
2/3/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardAn Unlikely Pair: Peter and Cornelius (Part 1)Acts 10:1-35 
1/27/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardWhat God has Declared CleanActs 10:9-16Congregational Meeting
1/20/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardSanctity of Life Sunday: Is Life Worth Living to the End?2 Timothy 4:6-8 
1/13/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardHow to be StillPsalm 46:10-11 
1/6/2019PDFMP3Michael ColvardHow to Quiet a SoulPsalm 131 
12/30/2018PDFMP3Tyler SpryLooking for One Thing in 2019Psalm 27 
12/24/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardBorn to DieMatthew 1:21Christmas Eve
12/23/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe WHY of Christmas, Part 5: To save us all from Satan’s Power?Hebrews 2:14-15
1 John 3:8
12/16/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe WHY of Christmas, Part 4: What Would Jesus Do?1 Peter 2:21-25
Romans 8:28-30
12/9/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe WHY of Christmas, Part 3: He Ever Lives Above, for me, to IntercedeHebrews 7:23-28Service Canceled for Weather
12/2/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe WHY of Christmas, Part 2: How can we know God?John 1:14-18 
11/25/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe WHY of Christmas, Part 1: What’s So Important About Christmas?1 John 4:1-6 
11/18/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardNot in Nottingham: When Life Seems to Fall ApartActs 9:31 
11/11/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardSnakes on a PlaneActs 9:23-31 
11/4/2018PDFMP3Tennant BrastowSharing Life: Our Life & Eternal Life1 Thessalonians 2:8 
10/28/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardReformation Sunday: Conversion and ReformationActs 9:18-22 
10/21/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardAnanias: When God Sends you to your EnemiesActs 9:10-18 
10/14/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardSaul Meets JesusActs 9:1-9 
10/7/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardEthiopian Eunuch: “How Can I Know Unless Someone Guides Me?”Acts 8:25-40 
9/30/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardSimon the Magician: A Portrait of False FaithActs 8:4-25 
9/23/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardDo You Love Me?John 21:15-19 
9/16/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardLeftovers: Hell and HeavenMatthew 25:41-46Congregational Meeting
PowerPoint PDF
9/9/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardLeftovers: A Biblical View of AnxietyPhilippians 4:5-7 
9/2/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardLeftovers: Why Bible Translation?1 Corinthians 14:6-11 
8/26/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardIs Life a Choice?  
8/19/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardHow to Die WellActs 7:54-8:2 
8/12/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardStephen’s DefenseActs 6:8-7:53 
8/5/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardThose Who Serve (Part 2): ServiceActs 6:1-7 
7/29/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardThose Who Serve (Part 1): ReconciliationActs 6:1-7 
7/22/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Honor of Being DishonoredActs 5:40-42 
7/15/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardBut What If It’s True?Acts 5:12-40 
7/8/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardGenerosity of Self-Promotion?Acts 4:32-5:11 
7/1/2018PDFMP3Hudson BelkThe Power of GodLuke 19:1-10
Ephesians 2:1-10
6/24/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardFirst Resistance: Boldness in the Face of Opposition – Part 2Acts 4:23-31SOLA Appalachian
PowerPoint PDF
Audio MP3
6/17/2018PDFMP3Sid DruenBeatitudes: “Beyond Our Circumstances”Matthew 5:1-12 
6/10/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardFirst Resistance: Boldness in the Face of Opposition – Part 1Acts 4:1-22 
6/3/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardPeter’s Second Sermon: Who’s This All About?Acts 3:1-26 
5/27/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardHow the Church GrowsActs 2:47Congregational Meeting
PowerPoint PDF
Audio MP3
5/20/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardLife TogetherActs 2:42-47 
5/13/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardPentecost 3: Peter’s First SermonActs 2:14-41 
5/6/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardPentecost 2: Speaking Tongues?Acts 2:4-14 
4/29/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardPentecost 1: Why Pentecost?Acts 2:1-4 
4/22/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardA Speed Bump to the KingdomActs 1:12-26 
4/15/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardA Blueprint for the KingdomActs 1:6-11 
4/8/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardHow to Build A KingdomActs 1:1-8 
4/1/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardA Meal With JesusLuke 24:13-35 
3/25/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardPalm Sunday: Who do you say I am?Luke 19:28-42 
3/18/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardHospitality Part 3 – Among OutsidersHebrews 13:2 
3/11/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardHospitality Part 2 – Among Christians1 Peter 4:8-11 
3/4/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardHospitality Part 1 – The Reason for HospitalityLuke 5:27-32 
2/25/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Journey HomeExodus 40:34-38 
2/18/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Minister’s Black VeilExodus 33:1-34:35 
2/11/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Golden Calf – Part 3: Judgement DayExodus 32:15-35 
2/4/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Golden Calf – Part 2: Does God Change His Mind?Exodus 32:7-14 
1/28/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Golden Calf – Part 1: Getting left at the airportExodus 32:1-6 
1/21/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardSanctity of Life Sunday: Associating with the LowlyRomans 12:16Congregational Meeting
PowerPoint PDF
1/14/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardA Few Good Men? When God Asks the ImpossibleExodus 31:1-11Sid Druen
Sunday School MP3
1/07/2018PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Happy Way?Psalm 1 
12/31/2017PDFMP3Sid DruenHow Loyalty Undoes BetrayalMatthew 26:30-35; 69-75 
12/24/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardBreaking Down The TentJohn 2:19-21Christmas Eve
12/24/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardHe Dwelt with Us: A High Priest For UsExodus 28-29 
12/17/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardHe Dwelt with Us: Water for WashingExodus 30:17-21 
12/10/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardHe Dwelt with Us: Lights, Smells and FoodExodus 25:13-40; 30:1-10 
12/03/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardHe Dwelt with Us: The Ark, God’s Rescue BoxExodus 25:10-22 
11/26/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardHe Dwelt with Us: The Tablernacle IntroductionExodus 25:40; 26:1-37; 27:9-19 
11/19/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardGenerosity and God’s TentExodus 25:1-9 
11/12/2017PDFMP3Hunter DockeryGrace at the FrayGenesis 1:1-5 
11/05/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardSeeing GodExodus 24:1-18 
10/29/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Five ‘Alones’: To the Glory of God AlonePsalm 115:1 
10/22/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Five ‘Alones’: Faith AloneEphesians 2:1-10 
10/15/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Five ‘Alones’: Grace AloneEphesians 2:1-10 
10/8/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Five ‘Alones’: Christ AloneJohn 14:3-7 
10/1/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Five ‘Alones’: Scripture Alone2 Timothy 3:12-17 
9/24/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardFrozen FearExodus 20:18-21 
9/17/2017PDFMP3Hudson BelkThe Call of ChristMark 8:27-38 
9/10/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardRockefeller and the Tenth CommandmentExodus 20:17 
9/3/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardYou Can’t Handle the Truth! The Ninth CommandmentExodus 20:16 
8/27/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardHow to Stop a Thief: The 8th CommandmentExodus 20:15
Ephesians 4:28
8/20/2017PDFMP3Tennant BrastowThe Unique Offer of the ResurrectionJohn 20:1-18 
8/13/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardHigh Fidelity: The Call of the Seventh CommandmentExodus 20:14
Matthew 5:27-32
8/6/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardMurder in the Second Degree: AngerExodus 20:13
Matthew 5:21-22
7/30/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardMurder in the First Degree: What is the Value of Life?Exodus 20:13 
7/23/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardDear Mom and Dad: Honoring Your ParentsExodus 20:12 
7/16/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardA Rest from the Rest: Honoring the SabbathExodus 20:8-11 
7/9/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardGod! Honoring God’s NameExodus 20:7 
7/2/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardNo Graven Images: When Idolatry Goes LiveExodus 20:4-6 
6/25/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardFirst Rule: No Other RivalsExodus 20:1-3 
6/18/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardWhy Obey? Superman can’t flyExodus 19:1-25, 20:1-2 
6/11/2017PDFMP3Sid DruenI Wouldn’t Have Seen It, If I Hadn’t Believed ItLuke 18:35-19:10 
6/4/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardYou are Not Enough: Combating BurnoutExodus 18:1-27 
5/28/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardWe exist as a family of God…Ephesians 2:19-21 
5/21/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardHe who IntercedesExodus 17:8-16 
5/14/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardWater from a RockExodus 17:1-7 
5/7/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardGrumbling and the Bread of LifeExodus 16:1-36 
4/30/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardCrossing the SeaExodus 14:1-15:21 
4/23/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardSpiritual RehabExodus 13:17-22 
4/16/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardPlundering the EgyptiansExodus 12:33-41 
4/13/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardStriking of the FirstbornExodus 12:29-32 
4/9/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardHistory and AmnesiaExodus 12:1-12 
4/2/2017PDFMP3Josh KwasnySatisfied with JesusMark 6:30-52 
3/26/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardGod Against the Gods, Part 2Exodus 8:20-10:29 
3/19/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardGod Against the Gods, Part 1Exodus 7:1-8:19 
3/12/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Battle with DoubtExodus 5:1-6:2 
3/5/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Strange Case of ZipporahExodus 4:21-26 
2/26/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Reluctant HeroExodus 4:10-13 
2/19/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardGod Tells His NameExodus 3:11-15 
2/12/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardGod’s Battle for the Heart: We Need A HeroExodus 1:22-3:10 
2/5/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardGod’s Battle for the HeartExodus 1:1-21 
1/29/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardHearing God’s Answers to PrayerPsalm 19:1-2 
1/22/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardObstacles to PrayerJames 4:2-3 
1/15/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardSanctity of Life and the Image of GodGenesis 1:26-28 
1/8/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardWhy Pray?Matthew 6:5-8 
1/1/2017PDFMP3Michael ColvardRisk and ResolutionsRomans 12:11-13 
12/25/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Key Promise of Another ChristmasRevelation 22:17-21 
12/24/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardComfort and JoyRevelation 21:3-4Christmas Eve
12/18/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Dark Side of Christmas: The Woman and the DragonRevelation 12:1-6 
12/11/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Family GatheringRevelation 7:9-12 
12/04/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardAnd so the angels sing…Revelation 5:6-14 
11/27/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardBaby Jesus: What Child Is ThisRevelation 1:9-20 
11/20/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardLast CallGalatians 6:11-18 
11/13/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardReaping What You SowGalatians 6:6-10 
11/06/2016PDFMP3Mark WeathersBeing the Hands and Feet of Jesus (Part 2)
The Drama of Redemption
Leviticus 23:39-44; Luke 24:28-35Missions Conference
11/04/2016PDFMP3Mark WeathersBeing the Hands and Feet of Jesus (Part 1)
Where have all the Cowboys gone?
Ruth 2Missions Conference
10/30/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardReformation and Always ReformingHebrews 1:1-4,2:1 
10/23/2016PDFMP3Sid DruenFaith is a Verb that Moves Towards SomeoneGenesis 13:1-18 
10/16/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardBurdens to CarryGalatians 6:1-5 
10/9/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardKeeping in StepGalatians 5:24-26 
10/2/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardFruit of the Spirit: Self-ControlGalatians 5:22-23 
9/25/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardFruit of the Spirit: GentlenessGalatians 5:22-23 
9/18/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardFruit of the Spirit: FaithfulnessGalatians 5:22-23 
9/11/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardFruit of the Spirit: Kindness and GoodnessGalatians 5:22-23 
9/4/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardFruit of the Spirit: PatienceGalatians 5:22-23Sunday School Video (MP4)
8/28/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardFruit of the Spirit: Love, Joy, PeaceGalatians 5:22-23 
8/21/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardFruit of the Spirit: Founded on GraceGalatians 5:22-23 
8/14/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardWorks of the FleshGalatians 5:19-21 
8/7/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardLearning How to WalkGalatians 5:16-18 
7/31/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardLiberty, License and LoveGalatians 5:13-15 
7/24/2016PDFMP3Sid DruenWhy Jesus Sometimes Isn’t CarefulLuke 5:12-16; 27-32 
7/17/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Slippery SlopeGalatians 5:7-12 
7/10/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardHeld by God’s LoveRomans 8:31-39 
7/3/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardWhat CountsGalatians 5:1-6 
6/26/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardFreedomGalatians 5:1 
6/19/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardTwo FamiliesGalatians 4:21-31 
6/12/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardWhat They WantGalatians 4:12-20 
6/5/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardFilling TimeGalatians 4:4-5 
5/29/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardSonshipGalatians 4:1-11Meeting Slides (PDF)
5/22/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardOne in ChristGalatians 3:28-29 
5/15/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardBaptized in ChristGalatians 3:26-27 
5/8/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardThe Law as a GuardianGalatians 3:21-26 
5/1/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardFaith over LawGalatians 3:16, 19-20 
4/24/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardA Better CovenantGalatians 3:14-18 
4/17/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardBlessings and CursesGalatians 3:10-14 
4/10/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardTo Be CountedGalatians 3:6-9 
4/3/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardLiving by the SpiritGalatians 3:1-5 
3/27/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardFirst Fruits of Life1 Corinthians 15:20-26 
3/24/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardSilence of the LambMatthew 26:59-66Maundy Thursday
3/20/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardTestimony of the RocksLuke 19:37-40 
3/13/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardDying for a NationJohn 11:45-52 
3/6/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardSaving GraceGalatians 2:17-21 
2/28/2016PDFMP3Chris BakerEarnest Guide, Tender Heart1 Thessalonians 2:5-8Michael Colvard Installation
2/28/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardSaving FaithGalatians 2:15-16 
2/21/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardGospel BoldnessActs 15:6-12 
2/14/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardIn Step with the GospelGalatians 2:11-14 
2/07/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardDifferent Calls, Same GospelGalatians 2:6-10 
1/31/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardNot Budging on the GospelGalatians 2:1-5 
1/24/2016n/an/an/an/an/aCancelled due to Weather
1/17/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardFaith and the HelplessJames 1:26-27 
1/10/2016PDFMP3Michael ColvardCopy or Original?Galatians 1:18-24 
1/3/2016PDFMP3Hudson BelkPhilippians 2:1-11Philippians 2:1-11